Double your money with a £10 Amazon voucher for £5. This is just perfect timing for this one as its Black Friday week at Amazon. See here for more  details on Black Friday Deals.

This offer is being run by bespoke offers, which is part of barclaycard as an incentive to join their website. The good news it that once you've signed up and got your free £5 you never have to hear from them again, unless you want to of course.

The best part is you can then redeem your gift card straight away, and have £10 in your amazon account within minutes from now.

Just follow the steps below to get your £10 Amazon gift card for just £5.

1) Right click on this link and select "open in new window": Click Me -That way you can continue reading the rest of the steps while you do what you need to do.

2) You can read everything you want to in the small print, and when you are done click on "Buy Now". Sometimes this page will give you an error message, but be patient and refresh again in a minute. There are probably a lot of people trying the same thing right now.

3) Enter your email address (Note- you can do this as many times as you like with different email addresses. That's all it seems to check. So using the same bank card with different emails will give you more gift cards if you want to do that).

4) Scroll down the page and enter your name and address etc. 

Choose how you want to pay, then I would recommend un-ticking the option which reads "Securely store ........"

 If you are like me, then you probably don't intend to come back to that site again once you have the money in your Amazon account.

5)Select Ok at the bottom and wait a minute while it says "PROCESSING". Once complete you will see the message "Congratulations! You have been entered into the prize draw to win an iPad Mini. Remember, every extra offer you purchase or download means another chance to win."

6) In the middle you will see an option to view "My Vouchers". Click on this.

7) you should see your voucher there on that page, click on the writing in blue to the right of the big Amazon card which says "£10 Amazon gift card for £5"

8) Your actual voucher code is on the right beneath the barcode. I recommend entering this into your account straight away, as then there are no come backs incase they decide to pull this offer early. Copy this code.

To do that click the following link to go straight to the page where you can enter your Amazon Gift certificate.

Enter your Amazonname and pass if it asks you for it, then enter the code. 

9) You now have £10 Amazon credit (or more if you di this more than once). Just in time for "Black Friday Week". Or just in time for  Christmas if you prefer.

10) Enjoy. Get yourself something nice :)


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